If you would like to receive Mornin Manna via text message, click "Contact Me" tab above and send me your phone info. 160 recipients and growing!

A Powerful Conqueror

That song has given me so much power its not funny. you really, wait lemme say it right, we really have no idea how powerful we are. We place this limit on ourselves and we shouldn't. The power that God has given us, through his holy spirit, enables us to accomplish so many things. God has the power over life and death and so do WE! Think about it... Jesus died and shed his blood so we might have eternal life. Right there we have conquered death. Through death in the physical we've gained eternal life with our Savior.

We have a mighty sword in our mouths. The word tells us to speak things as though they were and our faith will move God! We say we need this and that. Deliverance, healing, breakthroughs of every kind. Make it happen for yourself by speaking it.

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and a strong mind. You have got to tap into that power and use what God has given you! Is way past time and the saints of God are sitting stagnant acting powerless in everything. Stand up! Get your rear in gear! Having faith and sitting doing nothing is worthless. If you don't act along with your faith your faith is as dead as a leaf blowing in the wind.

I heard once that knowledge is power, use that logic with God. Get to know him and study his word and you will become stronger. The stronger you get in God, and the more faith you have, the more powerful you will be!


Clearing The Board


Opening up the lines, here we go! I've got a number that I will be using for the expansion of the site.

(267) 507-LOVE

Needing advice? Looking for a new view on things? Just need to talk to someone? Call, share a word, offer a topic, send a text message (SMS only). I want you to take advantage of the number, I don't want you to abuse it! Let us be mindful! lol I hope to continue to be a blessing to you as you continue to bless others. Leave your name and/or whatever other information you would like to leave if I don't answer.

Go on head and be blessed!

Testimony Tuesday

It's Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity, but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. If God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd!We are over comers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11

What say ye?
I was listening to a song, "Thank You Lord" by Walter Hawkins. I listened to the words and what stood out was "it coulda been me". I thought on those words and I started gaining reasons to tell God Thank You. I was thinking how events could of not been in my favor and i could of been dead. At the young age of 10, I suffered major head trama placing a dent in my head. When I was 15 I was supposed to be in a car that slid off the road that killed everyone in it. I was supposed to be on a bus that went off of a bridge in 2004. I was involved in an accident that should of taken my life. Even though danger was present, God saw fit for me to avoid it or to be delivered from it. I just have to give god glory because it really could of been me! I thank you Lord for all You've done for me!

Mornin Manna Text Message

Just a bit of history on Mornin Manna. I started sending a few text messages out in september of 2006. There was a young lady, and a couple of guys that expressed their distress. I sent the lady an encouraging word in efforts to lift her spirits. The guys were going through similar situations so I forwarded the same text message to the 3 of them. Not too long afterwords I received word that all had worked out for their good! It's a joy to hear a good report. Days later, I attracted someone else's distress and I, again, sent a word of inspiration. This particular text I saw was one that many could benefit from. Just like all the forwards that I get that don't benefit me, I thought about sending this text out to my immediate friends. There were about 10 people who got the message. One of the 10 sent it out to someone else and I heard, "I really needed to hear this. thank you so much!" That gave me the idea to send it to my entire phone book. I received many negative comments and even requests for me to stop sending the message. I obliged to every request. Once all the people were cut out, I was left with a total of about 40. Since September of 2006, that 40 has grown to a 143 and rising! I do give God thanks for enabling me to be used. As I've shared before, I have a vision for Mornin Manna. I'm just looking for a higher particapition so I can progress effectively.
The Mornin Manna is sent Monday through Friday. I try to send it between 8 am and 12 noon. To receive the Mornin Manna on your cell phone see the contact me section above.
Here's a sample of what you will get:
Mornin Manna! Don't count yourself out. You may be down but you're not defeated! It's not over until God says its over! God has the final say! Read Matt 24:35
Mornin Manna! It may not seem like it, but God does have our best interest at heart. Just when we think God left us, he'll show himself mighty! Read Ps 37:34-40
Mornin Manna! When God speaks there will be a response. If we can just listen & obey when God speaks, imagine the blessings that He'll give us! Read Deut 28:1,2
Mornin Manna! You've got to have faith in God, for without it you have nothing. Try trusting in God; seek him diligently. What could go wrong? Read Heb 11:1-6
Mornin Manna! As Christians, you have God on your side, which is the greatest power. With God, you can't be defeated, just tap into the power! Read Isaiah 54:17
Mornin Manna! Keep standing strong. Know as long as you keep your faith in God, and don't faint, he will continue to give you strength 2 go on! Read Is 40:25-31
Mornin Manna! You have no idea how good God can really be until you experience his glory and wonder! Try God and you'll see just how good he is! Read Ps 34:1-8
Mornin Manna! You will stumble. Hold to God and you won't crumble. With faith we cannot break, look to God for a renewal of your strength! Read Isaiah 40:29-31
Mornin Manna! There's something extra special about our praise and worship when we come together with unity in Jesus' name. Remember 2 gather! Read Heb 10:23-25
Mornin Manna! If u can't find a reason of your own 2 give God a praise, take a look at someone else! I'm sure God has been good, just look around! Read Psalm 23
Mornin Manna! You can't be great without getting a lil hate. The bible says we'll be persecuted, but I encourage you to hold onto your faith! Read 2 Tim 3:10-15
Mornin Manna! If you don't have anything nice to say, keep ya mouth shut! Keep positive, productive, constructive and Godly things in your mouth! Read Eph 4:29
Mornin Manna! You can't run from God, hide from Him nor deceive Him. God knows you better than you know yourself! Try being honest with God. Read 1 John 3:20
Mornin Manna! What you sow is what you will reap. Sow into the spirit; be more kind, humble, loving, peaceful, joyous, gentle, meek & temperate! Read Gal 6:7,8
Mornin Manna. Be reminded that you're better than u think you are. Tap into your greatness and maximize your potential while reaching 4 holiness. Read Phil 4:13
Mornin Manna! What good is a useless bodypart? We're all members of the body of Christ! Find your function, develop your gift & lets work together! Read 1Cor 12
Mornin Manna! In your time of distress and dispair, God is still there. Give Him praise an he'll show himself awesome in the midst of your storm! Read Ps 22:1-5

Testimony Tuesday

It's Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity, but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. If God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd!We are over comers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11

What say ye?
It's something to be able to find time for yourself to be with yourself and by yourself. I didn't count it as a blessing to have this alone time. I complained that I was by myself. I belly ached that my "friends" didn't see fit to include me in their plans and activities. I was angry that I had nothing to do! I remembered a conversation that I had with a friend about having time to yourself and it being a benefit. This gives you time to deal with YOU! Idle time enables us to work and think on ourselves. In this idle time, I discovered some things that I needed to deal with. I thank God for allowing me to use my time to my own benefit. We are a work in progress and there is always work to be done, especially on ourselves, because we're not perfect. My testimony today is being blessed with time. After all, we must be thankful for the little things! On the other hand, how small is time?

A Thankful Friday!

I'm truly thankful for the things God has blessed me and the dangers He's kept me from. I'm thankful to be free and to be walking in my claimed freedom! god has just been so very good to me and I had to say so...

I hope all have a great day!

On Nothing Less Than Jesus

Let me just apologize in advance for telling the truth. I'm feeling that this may offend some people but it is not my intent to pierce but to only inform you of what is right. So there, I said it!

I was thinking on how we tend to hold onto things. Sometimes for no apparent reason and other times for very specific reasons. Those things might be a relationship, cash, an emotion or feeling, a person, a cause, property, gambling, drugs, alcohol and even a sexual preference. (choosing words carefully) As sound minded people, we're always looking to do better for ourselves. Whether it be significantly better or minutely better. Better is better! Times come up and we question ourselves, possibly even evaluate ourselves, in why we haven't attained our desired advancement. Why haven't we done better for ourselves? You ask yourself, "Whats the problem?"

When you walk through your every day life, you tend to pick up some things, good things and bad things alike. The more you accumulate, the heavier your load will be to continue walking. I know when I go to the food store, I don't go crazy shopping. I live on the 3rd floor in my apartment building, which isn't far up, but from where I park it may be a journey! Then I have to deal with going up and down the stairs with all of those packages. After awhile of carrying the weight over and over again, going through trial after trial and situations, it will wear you down. You get tired. You must lay aside the weights that slow you down. Don't take on more than you can move swiftly with.

Bluntly speaking, you aint prospering because you're holdin onto too much garbage! How you gonna complain you dont have any money but yet you spend 20's and 20's on cigarrettes? If you buying drugs and/or alcohol, how you gonna save any money? Helloooooo! How do you expect someone to love you when you can't get over the pain and insecurities you have for yourself? You gotta start doing these things for yourself! God will help you but you gotta take that first step! You are not incompetant you can do something for yourself. Faith without works is dead! How do you expect to settle down with someone if you can't tell what you what you want to settle down with? (chose words carefully again) We blame God for this and that when we are the ones that are holding onto these things causing us detriment! The problem is us and has always been us! We're the ones that are holding onto our trial instead of holding onto or victory in faith! I feel my help coming, lol lemme get back on subject and stict to my script!

We, me included, must consider if we're holding on to something that does not mean us any good. Are we clutching to things that aren't prospering us? Are we battling an addiction that we're just not winning? Are we holding onto a weigh that's not getting any lighter? Are we stuck to a "thing" that we can't free ourselves from? I'm sending out a Mornin Manna text today about how we should loose these things that are hindering us. If your goal is set on Jesus, and you truly wish to make it, then all you have to do is make that first step and put that thing(s) down. Paul said in Philippians chapter 3 that he willingly chose to rid himself of somethings and counted them not a loss because he was focused on knowing Jesus. He was focused on attaining the favor of God. Determined, he shed his weights and concentrated on Him. Its not a hard thing to do, just have a mind to walk away from your weight. A song says "oh what peace we do not carry because we do not carry everything to God in prayer".

If you build your faith on Jesus, you wont fail at leaving your burdens behind. When you experience God for yourself, you wont even miss the things of old because you're experiencing the greatness of God! I encourage you to examine yourself, as I examine me, to determine what you are holding onto that is hindering your prosperity and advancement in life and in Jesus.

Keep Looking For The Light

Testimonny Tuesday

It's Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity, but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. If God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd!

We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11

What say ye?
I'm just going to take this time out to give thanks to God for giving me a vision. I wish to thank Him for making me determined and stedfast. I know sometimes things dont work out the way we want them to at times, or when we want them to, but I am content in knowing that I am doing what I am supposed to do. I am pressing forward, being the example that God expects us to be. I may not have support, or even someone encouraging me to keep going on, but I do have the strength that God gives me. That is what sustains me. That is what motivates me. That is what keeps me going. I end by saying again, THANK YOU!

Lets have a talk!

I really do get tired of people that come down too hard on those that are new to the church scene and are beginners in spirituality. They did not reach where they are in Christ overnight, but somehow they expect the newcomers to be perfect. Don't let them mess up, the world has to know and you have to be made example of and put in the spotlight. We're all human and we're all coming from the same place, which is a sinful state. We are all the same!

As babes in Christ, just in an actual baby, we need to grow, develop and mature. It takes a lifetime to mature in the natural, and even emotional. It takes a great deal to do the same in the spiritual. Once you are a self dedicated Christian, you have declared your belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior. From here, lets call it spiritual training.

When you start a new job, most, if not all, people ask many questions. Despite how much they ask questions, they are bound to mess up. Someone has to come along and let them know what they did was wrong, why it was wrong and how not to do it again. When we first accept Christ, we are at that infant stage. We need nurturing. We will be learning, but we will be messing up. We will have to hit that "do over" button over and over again! We gotta try and try again until we get things right. Through multiple efforts we will come to realize God is helping us all along the way. If he's not, that could be the primary indicator to why we are failing so often. Especially if its the same thing that we're messing up on!

As God helps us in making fewer mistakes, your growth is increasing. You are maturing. You've moved past repenting every 5 minutes to repenting a few times a day. Yes, things happen. Yes, we may not mean to do them or even be aware that we did them. Instances are decreasing and that is the goal! Focusing on holiness and what God expects from us. Doing things like reading the bible will help you. Praying helps you. Fasting helps you. Meditation helps you. All topics that will be coming up in the near future.

Keep Looking For The Light!

Testimony Tuesday!

It's Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity, but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. If God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd!

We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11

What say ye?

I'm gonna put mine out there first, I mean I must set off by example! This isn't a testimony about how God will provide, nor about how God is able. This is one that shows God as a comforter. It shows that God is still right there watching. I'm writing this because there are so many times when I doubted God was there for me. I would see different signs here and there. I would experience different things, but nothing that specifically told me that God was there. On not two occasions, but three, God showed himself to me. I was sleeping in the bed one day and I just didn't have any strength to get out of bed. I was tired and I was weak; exhausted if you will. I laid there and heard in the clearest of voices, "Daniel" I sat up and looked around. I felt an energy like I never felt before. I sat back and looked that day I was going to sit there and miss work was the last day in that pay period I would work. That check payed my rent and put food in the fridge! There is a guy that has been feeding my soul, reaffirming that God is there and more than able. Twice now I have gotten an encouraging word from him, sowing encouragement into my life. God is very real for me and I know him to be great. That's my Testimony - Brotha Real

It's a total package!

I've been wanting to do a piece on how to have faith. I also have been wanting to do a piece on how to pray effectively. The more I thought on the two, the more I realized that they are related. There was a missing component to the two. In order to have strong faith, in order to have a powerful prayer, you need to have a relationship with God! As the cliche goes, first things first.

At the risk of sounding traditional, you gotta repent of your sins. This shows that you know you've done something that you had no cotton pickin' business doing! It take humbleness to admit your wrong doing and even more to ask for forgiveness! When you do this you are asking God to create in you a clean heart. You are loosing yourself of your iniquities and the things that made you dirty. It's like walking up to the President of the United States of America, you can't just go to him, or maybe her someday, any old way. You gotta clean up, present yourself in a way that the President will see you. Don't get me wrong, God sees all! He is also looking at your effort in how you come to him. He is God you know, he deserves honor and respect!

From the moment you repent of your sins, your relationship with God begins. What strengthens your relationship is meditation, adoration, praise and worship, and studying the Word that God has given us. When your relationship grows with God, you will see your faith start to increase. As you walk along the path called life, you'll see certain things, things that God will do for other people which will strengthen your faith. You'll see things that happen to others and dangers and hard times that God moves out your way which will give you a reason to be thankful. While looking back on those things you know what God can do, which in turn will strengthen your faith. With your increase in faith comes confidence and power from God. If you are certain and established in your faith you have that power!

There is so much that I can fit into this post, regarding all the topics mentioned, but I want you to get the full experience of what I'm speaking of. Look forward in the near future for these posts. Don't forget about Testimony Tuesday tomorrow either!

Shoo! Go on head and be blessed now...