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Be Blessed...

Testimony Tuesday!

I really would like to re-institute Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. Ig God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd!

We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11


Mornin Manna Tuesday Sept 22, 2009
You can't be great without getting a lil hate. The Bible says we'll be persecuted, but I encourage you to hold onto your faith.

The scripture text came from: 2nd Timothy 3:10-15

Seems like there's always that 1 jerk; that 1 ignorant person that doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut. When you're doing good, there's always someone to try to bring you down. It's unfortunate, I know, but it's evident also! Momma used to say, "As long as you're doing good, expect something bad to happen." I never understood this, but as the older folks say, you'll understand it better by and by, I began to understand. I came up with this quote, "You can't be great without getting a lil bit of hate!" I like it because it's real.

The better you make yourself, the better you try to do for yourself, someone will be watching and someone will have something to say. It will not always be constructive. It's a shame to say that some of the very people that you interact with may be the same people that mean you that harm! Regardless of their agenda, it is our job as Christians to forgive them. Its our job as Christians to love them. Scripture says that we are to love and pray for those that despitefully use us. Kill them with your kindness; give them no room for satisfaction. It's not such an easy thing to do, and you'll mess up sometimes trying to do it, but you must try. The more you're tried, the better you'll be at resisting the enemy.

Don't be discouraged if you're that one that is playing by the rules and things fall apart. Keep at it. Keep doing that good. If the devil waste the energy to tempt and try you that must mean you're more valuable than you know! The devil doesn't waste his time with people who he has already claimed, he wants to mess with those that has a divine purpose. As the Mornin Manna said for today, I encourage you to hold on to your faith. Keep going on, and keep staying strong. We are to strive for greatness in Jesus, just watch out for the haters that come along to distract you and drag you off the path headed towards salvation.

Just a lil blessing

I've joined that made a way outta no way groups. I'm going to be brief, only because I'm at work and I don't have much more time to type. I was faced with a dilemma on trying to pay my rent. God made a way to aid me with paying my rent. I only pay about 38% of my rent. Then, I didn't have the funds to pay my last full months rent before the change took effect. God made a way for that rent to be paid in full. God has truly made a way out of no way for me and I didn't even see it coming. I didn't ask God what to do, I gave him my situation in faith that all would work out for my good! I know I love the Lord and he heard my cry and he came a rushing to my aid when I needed him. All it takes is just a little faith! I'm just taking this time out to tell God Thank You for all he's done and is doing for me. Let this be an instance that God can do! Yes, he will do! Lemme go, cause I feel my help coming...

And God Spoke

I've been in church all of my life. I call myself being a man of faith. I pray. I fast. I Study my bible. I seek the Lord. There was something that bothered me. Whenever I would be in a situation, and I wanted to hear from God, I never would hear anything. I would hear from different church goers and saved family members that "God said..." and I can't say the same. I've been led and things have been shown to me but I don't have one of those "God said..." moments to share until today.

I came home last night from work and was really tired. I started working both of my jobs again and my body is not liking the adjustment. I was physically tired and knew I had to be at work at a certain time. I said I couldn't do it. I rolled over and began to rest. In the midst of my slumber I heard a powerful voice call out my name and I immediately woke up. I gained my strength and became alert while I gathered my things and walked out the door.

On my way to work it was all I could think of. I heard my name! It was clear. It was something like I've never heard before. It stirred me so that I couldn't lay there any more. It may seem like nothing to some, but to me it means much to hear a word from the Lord. A song speaks of one Rhema word designed with God's expertise which is tailor made for me. God spoke and revealed himself to me. I am so thankful for that word, which was my name.

When God speaks there will be a response. He said let there be light, along with a host of other things, and it became so! The sun, wind, moon, stars, earth and everything else shall yield to God. There is power, more than we can imagine, behind every word that God speaks. More importantly, there is meaning to everything He has to say. So, my word of encouragement to you is to hearken unto the voice of the Lord. Listen and obey his words and commandments and you will find yourself among the kept and blessed. I know I wanna be blessed and for sure I wanna be kept! Be encouraged!