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TestImony Tuesday!

I thought that it would be cool to create a place for people to share their testimonies. We have overcome if we have a testimony. By sharing what God has done for you, it is possible that a reader may gain some type of encouragement. Maybe they can rekindle the hope they once had. It could possible spark someone to take a closer walk with Christ!

I have a faith testimony. Recently, I was unemployed. For 3 months I was without steady income. When I had income previously, it was not a consistent amount. I prayed and asked God for a way to make my ends meet. I prayed for a job. I mean I really got ugly in front of him. Snottin, sniffin and my boo hoo face! I let him know I was serious. I prayed that there was something that would work with my first job when I resumed it in September. It could not take me from any of my church services. I was firm in my prayer and I wanted a job and wouldn't accept anything but what I prayed for. 2 months past and still no job. Some might say you better take what you can get and pay your bills! I said NO! My God shall supply ALL of my needs. I believed that he would give me a job to my specifications AND it would come JUST in time!

So, bills became overdue. Yet, I still trusted! Food in the fridge got low! Yet, I still trusted! I had no money, zero dollars in all accounts and few pennies to rub together! I STILL TRUSTED GOD! That same trust brought me through the 3rd month and now I have that job that meets all of my requirements and all of my bills are up to date! All that to say, God will take good care of you if you believe he will. I mean believe without a shadow or tiniest amount of doubt. God will take care of you!

So, I've gone ahead and gave my testimony. Don't be afraid to follow suit! Post your testimonies in the comment section and see how God has been moving in our lives!

You Are God, Alone!

I do believe that often times we forget that God is God! We forget what he is capable of doing. We get caught up in our issues and drama, I call them distractions, and lose focus on reality. The reality of it all is at the end of the day, God is STILL God. Situations come and go, but God is the only constant that remains unchanged and will never change.

I have had the Chance to speak with this artist one on one. I have to say he is one of the realest and most approachable artists I have met yet. He speaks to you and your problem in his music. His latest album is called "Thirsty" and it speaks volumes to you in every work of every song! I thought I would share this with you!

Easy on my ears!

Cruising down the highway, with the radio pumping out what makes a ride seem short, we're feeding our ears. Taking the metro in our morning and evening commutes, we feed our ears. In our homes, with our TVs, we feed our ears. When we're around our friends we are feeding our ears! With what? The weather perhaps. The latest news maybe. Gossip corner anybody? Listening to friends slander someone else's name! It happens, whether you know it or not!

We will listen to anything we want and justify it be saying "they're my ears!" I'm not going to sit here and type this like I haven't done it myself! The point is why can't I listen to something wholesome that will prosper me! Who listens to quality things? I can probably call out every single one of my friends that loves to listen to Wendy Williams! Not going to bad mouth her, but she always has some kinda gossip about somebody! That's not productive. It's intrusively informative at somebody else's expense!

Once things enter our ears they enter our spirit whether we want it to or not! You heard a song playing in the background at work and the following week you know all of the words, backwards and forwards, and you have no idea how! You had great diction, and an expansive vocabulary and all of a sudden a cuss word is flying out of your mouth every other word! It comes from what we subject ourselves to listen!

When God tries to speak to us, our ears are so plugged up with filth that you can't hear Him speaking to you! There are going to be distractions. We have to keep a focus on what is necessary. You have to be easy on your years. When you need to listen to a word from the Lord, you want to hear what he has to say! 1 Kings 19:12-13

Right Here With You

Too scared to move, nowhere to hide. Feeling confused and all crazy inside? The sky is falling in every area of your life! You can't seem to stretch out your hands and arms to keep things up. You've been brought to your knees. Things just are not working out for you and you don't know what to do. The matters of your heart are stressing you down. You are looking for love and can't find it. you've found the wrong person to love and you're miserable! You are troubled on every end! What do you do?

Let's try casting all of your cares on Jesus! It's great to know that despite what you seem to face, Jesus always extends that loving and caring hand of compassion towards us! 1 Peter 5:7 With that said, get rid of everything that bothers you! Shake it off! Leave it where you stand and walk away from it! There is no need to go on carrying things that you know are going to hold you down. Holding things that you're fully aware will hold you back from reaching your full potential! Just put down the things that will slow you down! You'll find that life will become much easier once you've laid down those weights! Hebrews 12:1-2

Press on with life. Knowing that despite all that you go through God is there right by your side! He said he will never leave us, nor forsake us! Hebrews 13:5 That's a promise to us! He will always be there! Not only that he said until the ending of the earth! Matthew 28:20

I listen to radio broadcasts, watch tele-evangelists and this and that and they all seem to preach prosperity. They're not telling you how to get there! In order for these things to work, you need to be giving God some of your time! If you want God to have your back, show God that you care about him! Don't just call on him when the chips are tough but daily seek his face! Let him know how your day went! Thank him and show appreciation towards the little things! This is how you build a relationship with God by being real with him and trying to live as he wants us to live! Romans 12:1-2

Just remember this scripture when it all seems so very gray: "...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:20