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Power Struggle: A Daily Tug of War!

A power struggle would be two parties going back and forth in a tug of war. In an ordinary sense you would have person or team A, opposing person or team B, in an effort to win. The prize being anything on an endless list. There is never a tie in a tug of war. Even if you are equally matched with strength and power, ones perseverance and willpower will outlast the other. This defines the loser and the winner.
Let me open your eyes to something. Lets add a person or team C to the mix! There is so much tension going on in this tug of war. You now have the possibility for a unfair team going against one of the players or teams.
Lets give these teams some names. Team A will be God, Team B will be you and Team C will be the Devil.
Scenario 1: Say you decide to go it alone. Team B will do what Team B needs to do to make it! This is what will happen. You may be holding your own. You may not be losing, but you are far from winning. You are giving it your best effort. It's not enough. You may be trying to conquer a demon in your life, doing it alone may not be enough! You may need deliverance from a habit, but the harder you try by yourself the more tired you become. That healing that you are so badly wanting is not coming to pass because you simply do not have the power to do it alone! You may be missing out on a world and beyond of opportunities if you only reach out for help! Psalm 46:1
Scenario 2: You see how hard it can be so the devil is trying to convince you to join his team and they can beat God together! You need the help, so you join up with Team C. It may not be a out spoken choice or a declaration, but if you do not deny the devil it is like signing on that dotted line! Things may be better. Skies may even open up. The devil has you convinced that you've won and you did it without God! Guess what? A freak health accident or a wrongful turn of events occurs and your life has been taken. Where is your soul going? Who just won? You won't be spending eternity in paradise, you will be in the warm places of hell! It was all a deception. Ephesians 6:11 If you are not aware that the devil is out to get you, you will fall for every trick the Devil lays for you!
Scenario 3: Instead of leaning towards the ways of deception, you decided to hop onto Team A! You chose to lean to God's unchanging hand! We have to realize that God has all power! Matthew 28:18 He can do anything for us. We have to first choose to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you! Matthew 6:33 The answer was right in front of us the entire time. The only thing we have to do is reach out and embrace the power of God and all that He has for us!
God gave us a choice. He wants us to choose him but allows us to do otherwise. There will come a time when we all will need help, whether it be on a major scale or a minor one! We are in that power struggle. Won't you put your hand in the hand that is able to exceedingly do anything? He understands all of the problems that we go against. He knows everything about us. The sweet thing is that He has all power it will take for him to anything for us. All we have to do is follow him! Luke 9:23

How bad do you want it?

Smoking, drinking, sexing, fornicating, healing, deliverance, restoration and transformation. How bad do you want it? How familiar does this sound?

I'm going to quit smoking, only to see yourself with a cigarette on your lip a day later. The same thing goes for drinking! Sex is so energetic, satisfying and it feels good! It becomes addicting and just like a drug! A very hard habit to kick. Do you have the help of helping hand of Jesus, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit?

Healing, deliverance, restoration and transformation are all things that believers and sinners alike seek! There is nothing impossible for God! Luke 1:37 Your faith has to be there. but how bad do you want it? Zacchaeus sought the lord and wanted salvation so badly that in a crowd of people climbed a tree so that he could see Jesus. He wanted salvation and he got it! Luke 19:1-10 The woman with the issue of blood wanted to be healed! Her faith was in a place that she knew that all she had to do was touch the hem of the garments of Jesus and she would be made whole. Matthew 9:18-22

How bad do you want what you want from God? will displace yourself to place yourself in a position to be blessed? Some times you will need to throw off some things that you are holding so dear. You will need to leave some things behind in order to move forward. You have to change some things about yourself before you can expect a change from God! How bad do you want it? What lengths will you go to get what you want from God?

We Worship You... Right?

I love you, I love you, I love you Lord today. Because you cared for me in such a special way. And yes I praise you, I lift you up, and I magnify your name. That's why My heart is filled with praise. My heart, My mind, My soul belongs to you. You paid the price for me, way back on Calvary! And yes I praise you, I lift you up, and I magnify your name. That's why My heart is filled with praise.

A true worship must come from the inside. There has to be inner desire to push a worship out. I find that the words to that song will stir up a worship in me very easily.

Worship is an action word that is used to exalt the name of God. Why do we do it? It come from a spirit of gratitude. We have all been blessed in some way shape or form. Some perhaps blessed more than others. When you think of how good He is, how good He has been, and how good He will be, you should not need anyone to pull a "thank you" from your lips! When you think of God's awesome power and his greatness you have to give him a praise! Psalm 100:4-5 Hallelujah is the highest praise! It is so sweet in the ear of God when we utter it to him. "I love you", which is something that you should have toward God without question, should be voiced! It's one thing to show it, but as you probably know it is amazing and creates an indescribable feeling when you hear it!

We worship God out of respect. We worship God out of honor. We worship God out of love. Get into a spirit of worship.

On My Way...

A very close friend of mine shared this idea with me and it has stuck to me and remained in my spirit. It goes something like this, "I'm on the way to Heaven and I am enjoying the trip!" I took this phrase and I analyzed it a for a little while. I thought abd I said, when you're on the way to heaven, you get more problems and obstacles thrown at you. There seems to be more stumbling blocks ahead of you than it seemed to be when you were on your way to hell!

When God is not on your side, then the devil (Satan, Lucifer, or any other nickname you may have for him) doesn't have to mess with you. He has you. But when you cross over to God's side, and begin to live holy, The devil gets pissed. He's angry! He throws things at you to make you fall, discourage you, and speaks to you and influences you mess your own self up. He tries to sadden you and will do anything he can to bring down God's annointed!

You will experience hardship! You will experience heartache! You will be texted and tried! Despite all of that, remember you are on the way to heaven. You are more than a conqueror and you will get through it! Romans 8:35-37 Enjoy the fact that you are favored by God! Enjoy all of the blessings that God has given you and will give you! Enjoy that love that God has for you! Enjoy that change that has happened on the inside of you!

You are running down a road called life. Destination at the end of the road is called heaven. Lay aside the weights (life's situations, trials, problems and tests) and the sin (which is what will keep upi from seeing Heaven) and run with patience to the goal of eternal life! Hebrews 12:1,2 I am on the way to heaven! I may have some ups and some downs. I am focused an what God has promised me and I will appreciate all that God has, can and will do for me! I am on the way to heaven and I am going to enjoy my trip! How about you?