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Fibs, White Lies, and Sin!

A white lie is something that may seem like it doesn't effect anyone. It is often told to spare one's feelings or for mutual benefit. Wife says, "How do I look hubby?" Hubby says, "You look fine dear!" What you didn't hear is how hubby truly dislikes how wifey is lookin! In his mind he spares himself a beat-down and argument while sparing his wife's feelings and boosts her ego! It is damaging and an untruth!

Fibs are lies that are lies told by kids. Usually to be manipulative and to get what they want. Kids will play parents against each other and promotes unhealthy behavior for later on in life.

Both of these seem so innocent and harmless but can have later effects that can be very hurtful and sometimes dangerous. It's something that may be argued is in human nature. Things just fly out of our mouths and so many actions and miscellaneous things we do involuntarily. Some may be intentionally on specific purpose! It all falls under the category of SIN. It is something we all do however. (please note "do" was used and not "did") Romans 3:23

What is sin? "All unrighteousness is sin!" 1 John 5:17. What constitutes unrighteousness? Not adhering to moral principles, practicing unjust or unfair behavior, being dishonest and deceiving, and doing things that are disrespectful to God.

The controversy lies in what is sin and what is not sin. What was a sin back then(biblical times), may not be considered a sin now. What may be a sin in one country may be a sin in another country. An easy way around all of the technicalities is to first develop a relationship with God. Being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT will help you recognize what is sin and what is not. He is the source of knowledge and truth. The Holy Spirit lets you know when you are about to do wrong and when you have done wrong. The Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth. John 14:16-17

God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33. Go to him with sincerity asking and seeking clarity. Once we acknowledge our unrighteousness, ask for forgiveness with the mind to stay right, God is faithful and just in forgiving us! 1 John 1:9

Be strong and Keep the faith until the next time!

3 thoughts:

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

Excellent post...

We do have a problem definining sin. The sad thing is that this misunderstanding is being used by some very manipulative people hiding under sheep's clothing or giving people power to spew judgement and hate.

Keeping the faith man.

Anonymous said...

Amen my brother. Sin is Sin! All of it!

Acoustic Soul said...

WOW! You bring so much light bro!

We often times negotiate with ourselves and conclude what we want to think is best for us. I stand guilty. LOL