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Just a lil blessing

I've joined that made a way outta no way groups. I'm going to be brief, only because I'm at work and I don't have much more time to type. I was faced with a dilemma on trying to pay my rent. God made a way to aid me with paying my rent. I only pay about 38% of my rent. Then, I didn't have the funds to pay my last full months rent before the change took effect. God made a way for that rent to be paid in full. God has truly made a way out of no way for me and I didn't even see it coming. I didn't ask God what to do, I gave him my situation in faith that all would work out for my good! I know I love the Lord and he heard my cry and he came a rushing to my aid when I needed him. All it takes is just a little faith! I'm just taking this time out to tell God Thank You for all he's done and is doing for me. Let this be an instance that God can do! Yes, he will do! Lemme go, cause I feel my help coming...

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