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A Need to Ad Lib

I was listening to a sermon at a church one Sunday. The preacher said we, as believers and unbelievers alike, know so much about the world and don't know about Jesus. He said that we know about the world's music, the world's habits, but we don't hear about Jesus. I sat and thought! I prayed quietly to myself, in search of a revelation.

I'm not going to go against the man of God, but I am going to have to disagree with what he said, to some degree. I disagree with the idea that we don't hear about Jesus. He down-played worldly activities, in efforts to make a point that wasn't totally correct! Jesus is plainly out there. He is available to be sought! People know he's there. Keep in mind he was speaking to a sanctuary of church members, there were no visitors present!

We clearly know about the Savior. We know how he died on the cross. We know how he is going to come back like a thief in the night. We are not in the dark on this. The problem lies in the choices that we make. We knowingly choose to do the wrong things. We take advantage of God's grace and mercy. We commit premeditated sin. We chose not to live right! We chose to do the wrong things. In other words, we are choosing to go to hell bound up!

Breaking that down just a lil bit... We play church. We play Christian! We give up what we want to give up and hold on to what we wanna hold on to believing that God's grace will cover us. Think again! What is the point of sacrificing all of that if you're still not going to completely yield to God! You need to realize that when you choose to walk as a Christian, that means devoting your life and your choices to making God happy. Not just giving up what makes you comfortable. You have to either be with Him, or not. There are no healthy in-betweens! Rev 3:15,16

You've got to be serious about this. After all, it's your own soul salvation that's at hand!

1 thoughts:

Darius T. Williams said...

You're right - we've got to be serious about Jesus.

Food for thought though - is it is possible to enjoy "worldly" things and still be serious about it? How does the dichotomy differ?