If you would like to receive Mornin Manna via text message, click "Contact Me" tab above and send me your phone info. 160 recipients and growing!


Yea, I have been so lax with posting on Mornin Manna. I send you my deepest apologies. While I have been keeping the beat for sending out the text messages, I've even become lax in that. Distractions, along with routine, make things become ordinary and we lose enthusiasm in performance. I've acknowledged the fault. Now, my next step would be to fix the fault.

I do want to thank a recipient, he knows who he is, for emailing me a list of numbers for me to add to the Mornin Manna text message list. The list is ever growing and I have to give thanks to you for passing along the word. Now, If i can manage to send it more in the morning as opposed to the afternoon, lol!

Going with the title of the post, "Slacker", we must take advantage of our time and use it wisely and most efficiently. Someone once told me time is the most precious thing in this world. It can't be stretched. Once wasted it can't be regained.

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14

Continue to be Blessed

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