Loosen Your Grip
Linda had been praying for a financial break through. She was working this job making enough money to cover her expenses and to make her ends meet. She was wanting a raise and felt she deserved a raise that would pick her up from financial poverty. Time after time she was denied for this raise and she was growing impatient with God. She was becoming weary and doubtful.
Her friend came along in one of her down moments and she broke down in his arms. Bearing all her burdons on him, he attempted to offer consolation. He said all will be okay and just hold on just a little while longer. These words had no effect. He then said maybe its time that you begin to let this job go and trust God. This job is not benefitting you any longer and maybe its time that you loosen your grip on it. You've been praying for years and no change. You've been focused on this one job. You've let it blind you to all the blessings that God could of given to you but you settled for below what you were worth.
And the Message:
Sometimes we tend to hold on to things for so long that it seems like it's our only option. We blind ourselves to the blessings that God could be giving to us. Think on this. If you can put down one burdon, that frees your hands to pick up your deliverance. It frees your hand to pick up your next blessing. We tend to hold on to too much and we should put some things down to pick up what God has in store for us.
Soul'd Out Because Of My Might
Granted: The Blanket of Grace
1. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
2. For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;
3. How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
A Sunday Change!
Are you leaving your all with God?
Bishop Carlton Pearson Presents The Best Of Azusa... Yet Holdin' On album by Carlton Pearson
I just want to ask you this very simple question, are you really giving God all of your problems? Are you giving Him your body and soul? I call you today and challenge you to give God your all! All you have to do is put it in his hands and the peace you need, that rest you need, that calmness you need is right there for your taking! You gotta leave it all on the altar with God tho...
Popularization of the Christian Church
Testimony Tuesday
It's Testimony Tuesday. I still like the idea of people coming together to share their stories of how God has blessed them. The sole purpose is not to gloat or floss your prosperity, but to encourage and motivate other people to hold on and keep their faith. If God can show up and show out for me, he can definitely do the same for you too! I do hope for a great response to the post this time! You know you got something to say about the goodness of the Lawd! We are over comers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11
What say ye?
"To be loved by you, I get so excited..." I really do take time out to give thanks for being taken care of. Just to know that God has my back and has me covered under blanket of grace and mercy gives me ease of mind. We come and go so much that we forget about all the danger that we passed along the way. We fail to realize how many times he's spared our minds from snapping by granting us peace of mind. On just today, I woke up late for work and knew that I couldn't get there in time. I got in the car and started it. I said thank you for letting the car start. Now, if you can make it so that I don't catch a light!" Let me tell you I made it on time and I caught not one light on the way! Never happened before. But just an example of just how good God is! You betta get on the band wagon and catch some of God's blessings. What do people say? Get it while the getting is good!
Put On Christ
Testimony Tuesday
Testimony Tuesday
What say ye?
I really was tried just this morning, while I was at work. It's funny how people will question your anointing and your purpose based on what you've done. Someone that was very close to me pushed my face in the mud, and held it there! It hurt me to tears, it really did. The tears still flow, even while typing this. It left me speechless and stumbling over words trying to express myself. the timing couldn't of been worse, because all of this came to me at the beginning of a stressful night at work. I tell you the devil knows exactly when to attack and how to attack. I got off of work and came home heavy burdened and feeling beat down. I was confused and really couldn't understand why. I fell asleep and a couple hours later I sought God. I realized that despite what people say or do to me, I must continue to trust in the Lord. I'm not going to try to understand what happened but I'm looking to God to direct me and guide me. Then this song (see youtube window above) was laid on my heart.
Continue to be blessed!
A Powerful Conqueror
We have a mighty sword in our mouths. The word tells us to speak things as though they were and our faith will move God! We say we need this and that. Deliverance, healing, breakthroughs of every kind. Make it happen for yourself by speaking it.
God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and a strong mind. You have got to tap into that power and use what God has given you! Is way past time and the saints of God are sitting stagnant acting powerless in everything. Stand up! Get your rear in gear! Having faith and sitting doing nothing is worthless. If you don't act along with your faith your faith is as dead as a leaf blowing in the wind.
I heard once that knowledge is power, use that logic with God. Get to know him and study his word and you will become stronger. The stronger you get in God, and the more faith you have, the more powerful you will be!
Clearing The Board
Opening up the lines, here we go! I've got a number that I will be using for the expansion of the site.
Go on head and be blessed!
Testimony Tuesday
Mornin Manna Text Message
Testimony Tuesday
What say ye?
A Thankful Friday!
I hope all have a great day!
On Nothing Less Than Jesus
When you walk through your every day life, you tend to pick up some things, good things and bad things alike. The more you accumulate, the heavier your load will be to continue walking. I know when I go to the food store, I don't go crazy shopping. I live on the 3rd floor in my apartment building, which isn't far up, but from where I park it may be a journey! Then I have to deal with going up and down the stairs with all of those packages. After awhile of carrying the weight over and over again, going through trial after trial and situations, it will wear you down. You get tired. You must lay aside the weights that slow you down. Don't take on more than you can move swiftly with.
Bluntly speaking, you aint prospering because you're holdin onto too much garbage! How you gonna complain you dont have any money but yet you spend 20's and 20's on cigarrettes? If you buying drugs and/or alcohol, how you gonna save any money? Helloooooo! How do you expect someone to love you when you can't get over the pain and insecurities you have for yourself? You gotta start doing these things for yourself! God will help you but you gotta take that first step! You are not incompetant you can do something for yourself. Faith without works is dead! How do you expect to settle down with someone if you can't tell what you what you want to settle down with? (chose words carefully again) We blame God for this and that when we are the ones that are holding onto these things causing us detriment! The problem is us and has always been us! We're the ones that are holding onto our trial instead of holding onto or victory in faith! I feel my help coming, lol lemme get back on subject and stict to my script!
We, me included, must consider if we're holding on to something that does not mean us any good. Are we clutching to things that aren't prospering us? Are we battling an addiction that we're just not winning? Are we holding onto a weigh that's not getting any lighter? Are we stuck to a "thing" that we can't free ourselves from? I'm sending out a Mornin Manna text today about how we should loose these things that are hindering us. If your goal is set on Jesus, and you truly wish to make it, then all you have to do is make that first step and put that thing(s) down. Paul said in Philippians chapter 3 that he willingly chose to rid himself of somethings and counted them not a loss because he was focused on knowing Jesus. He was focused on attaining the favor of God. Determined, he shed his weights and concentrated on Him. Its not a hard thing to do, just have a mind to walk away from your weight. A song says "oh what peace we do not carry because we do not carry everything to God in prayer".
If you build your faith on Jesus, you wont fail at leaving your burdens behind. When you experience God for yourself, you wont even miss the things of old because you're experiencing the greatness of God! I encourage you to examine yourself, as I examine me, to determine what you are holding onto that is hindering your prosperity and advancement in life and in Jesus.
Testimonny Tuesday
We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11
What say ye?
Lets have a talk!
As babes in Christ, just in an actual baby, we need to grow, develop and mature. It takes a lifetime to mature in the natural, and even emotional. It takes a great deal to do the same in the spiritual. Once you are a self dedicated Christian, you have declared your belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior. From here, lets call it spiritual training.
When you start a new job, most, if not all, people ask many questions. Despite how much they ask questions, they are bound to mess up. Someone has to come along and let them know what they did was wrong, why it was wrong and how not to do it again. When we first accept Christ, we are at that infant stage. We need nurturing. We will be learning, but we will be messing up. We will have to hit that "do over" button over and over again! We gotta try and try again until we get things right. Through multiple efforts we will come to realize God is helping us all along the way. If he's not, that could be the primary indicator to why we are failing so often. Especially if its the same thing that we're messing up on!
As God helps us in making fewer mistakes, your growth is increasing. You are maturing. You've moved past repenting every 5 minutes to repenting a few times a day. Yes, things happen. Yes, we may not mean to do them or even be aware that we did them. Instances are decreasing and that is the goal! Focusing on holiness and what God expects from us. Doing things like reading the bible will help you. Praying helps you. Fasting helps you. Meditation helps you. All topics that will be coming up in the near future.
Keep Looking For The Light!
Testimony Tuesday!
We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11
What say ye?
I'm gonna put mine out there first, I mean I must set off by example! This isn't a testimony about how God will provide, nor about how God is able. This is one that shows God as a comforter. It shows that God is still right there watching. I'm writing this because there are so many times when I doubted God was there for me. I would see different signs here and there. I would experience different things, but nothing that specifically told me that God was there. On not two occasions, but three, God showed himself to me. I was sleeping in the bed one day and I just didn't have any strength to get out of bed. I was tired and I was weak; exhausted if you will. I laid there and heard in the clearest of voices, "Daniel" I sat up and looked around. I felt an energy like I never felt before. I sat back and looked that day I was going to sit there and miss work was the last day in that pay period I would work. That check payed my rent and put food in the fridge! There is a guy that has been feeding my soul, reaffirming that God is there and more than able. Twice now I have gotten an encouraging word from him, sowing encouragement into my life. God is very real for me and I know him to be great. That's my Testimony - Brotha Real
It's a total package!
At the risk of sounding traditional, you gotta repent of your sins. This shows that you know you've done something that you had no cotton pickin' business doing! It take humbleness to admit your wrong doing and even more to ask for forgiveness! When you do this you are asking God to create in you a clean heart. You are loosing yourself of your iniquities and the things that made you dirty. It's like walking up to the President of the United States of America, you can't just go to him, or maybe her someday, any old way. You gotta clean up, present yourself in a way that the President will see you. Don't get me wrong, God sees all! He is also looking at your effort in how you come to him. He is God you know, he deserves honor and respect!
From the moment you repent of your sins, your relationship with God begins. What strengthens your relationship is meditation, adoration, praise and worship, and studying the Word that God has given us. When your relationship grows with God, you will see your faith start to increase. As you walk along the path called life, you'll see certain things, things that God will do for other people which will strengthen your faith. You'll see things that happen to others and dangers and hard times that God moves out your way which will give you a reason to be thankful. While looking back on those things you know what God can do, which in turn will strengthen your faith. With your increase in faith comes confidence and power from God. If you are certain and established in your faith you have that power!
There is so much that I can fit into this post, regarding all the topics mentioned, but I want you to get the full experience of what I'm speaking of. Look forward in the near future for these posts. Don't forget about Testimony Tuesday tomorrow either!
Shoo! Go on head and be blessed now...
How To Contact Me
Send an email to MorninManna@gmail.com
I am available on google chat as well. For any further contact info, ask and pray you will receive! :-)
Be Blessed...
Testimony Tuesday!
We are overcomers by our testimony! Revelation 12:11
The scripture text came from: 2nd Timothy 3:10-15
Seems like there's always that 1 jerk; that 1 ignorant person that doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut. When you're doing good, there's always someone to try to bring you down. It's unfortunate, I know, but it's evident also! Momma used to say, "As long as you're doing good, expect something bad to happen." I never understood this, but as the older folks say, you'll understand it better by and by, I began to understand. I came up with this quote, "You can't be great without getting a lil bit of hate!" I like it because it's real.
The better you make yourself, the better you try to do for yourself, someone will be watching and someone will have something to say. It will not always be constructive. It's a shame to say that some of the very people that you interact with may be the same people that mean you that harm! Regardless of their agenda, it is our job as Christians to forgive them. Its our job as Christians to love them. Scripture says that we are to love and pray for those that despitefully use us. Kill them with your kindness; give them no room for satisfaction. It's not such an easy thing to do, and you'll mess up sometimes trying to do it, but you must try. The more you're tried, the better you'll be at resisting the enemy.
Don't be discouraged if you're that one that is playing by the rules and things fall apart. Keep at it. Keep doing that good. If the devil waste the energy to tempt and try you that must mean you're more valuable than you know! The devil doesn't waste his time with people who he has already claimed, he wants to mess with those that has a divine purpose. As the Mornin Manna said for today, I encourage you to hold on to your faith. Keep going on, and keep staying strong. We are to strive for greatness in Jesus, just watch out for the haters that come along to distract you and drag you off the path headed towards salvation.
Just a lil blessing
And God Spoke
WARNING: Slippery!
Donnie McClurkin sang about falling and getting up again. In order to get up you must have a firm or somewhat stable ground to rest upon and stand. If you get back up and you're on shaky ground, there is always a risk that you can fall in the same spot once again. The idea is to get back up and move on, walking on solid ground. Thinking if someone might be putting this together...
Is there anything, or hmmm anybody, that can be stable and sturdy and keep us from falling and yet be there every time to help us when we've fallen? Every time I turn around, Jesus is right there with his hand outstretched for times of need. Every time I lose my balance I can call on Jesus and that same hand is there to keep me from falling. The lovely part is what happens when we don't acknowledge him in all of our ways. We go down the shaky path of destruction and fall. We might be down in the dirt for a lil while. When we come to our senses, and realize that Jesus is the way the truth and the light, that same hand is still waiting for us to pick us up and place us on a solid ground to stand! Oh how wonderful is Jesus!
Scripture tells us that the most righteous man can fall and make mistakes. God is faithful and just to forgive us, as long as we acknowledge our error and place Jesus at the head of our lives! Don't forget to confess Jesus with your mouth, believe him in your heart. You CAN know Jesus for yourself!
I hope I've helped someone...
Elevated Expectations!
Why is it that the church, the house where the spirit of the Lord is supposed to dwell, is a place where people are being hurt. I had to sit back in my seat and remove myself from the service and ponder this. I began to think on certain accounts of people who have told me that church folk are nasty, they judge you, and that's why they don't go to church. Again, I asked myself, "Why?" Why is the church this way? I came to the conclusion which rests on the expectancy of people.
People have an image. They don't wish anyone to see the dirt in their yard, so they point out the dirt in someone else's yard to deter focus. Therefore, you keep your self appointed image. However, what has just occurred is you've just damaged somebody's character and discouraged someone from wanted to come back into the house of God. Its a very dangerous game and most church goers are playing it, and it's damaging the body of Christ. If we can remember that we all are human and are subject to making the same mistakes than we can focus on elevating ourselves to a higher level in Christ being the examples that we are meant to be instead of pretending!
What happens when you place someone on a pedestal, that's not God, and expect much from them, when they can't deliver, the world is over! Go tell Sista Soandso and Brotha Biznessminda. From an outside view, the church is no better than the streets, so why should the come to church? More damage to the body of Christ as well as a stunted growth! Worry about yourself and your relationship in God. Put your faith and trust in God, not in man! As man, we can fail. Not saying that we fail all the time but in Christ there is no failure! You cannot be disappointed in God! Psalm 146:3 says, "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." Proverbs 3:5 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart..."
Stop placing so much weight on people. Worry about you and your salvation and everything else will work out just fine. Work on being filled with God's holy spirit, which comes with love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance which will bring one another together in unity because we all will have god's spirit living within us!
I called friends, sometimes their words offered relief but none led me through the tough time. Slowly, the structure grew larger. I woke one day to silence. There was no noise in the entire place. Sun was shining in the apartment at about 6am. I dressed and went for a walk nowhere. I saw joggers, commuters, cars and buses. Eventually, I ended up at a park. I walked a ways into the park and sat on a bench, doing nothing. I sat and stared. I got up and walked some more. I then ended up at a lil pond with some benches next to it. It had a fountain in it, which was relaxing to watch. I sat. I relaxed my mind. I began to place things into perspective.
I thought about my health. I may be sick, with however many things I have wrong with me, but my heart still beats. I have full function of my body with all of my limbs. I thought about my money. I have a job. No, it doesn't pay a lot. Yea, it can be a headache sometimes! Yea, I could get more hours, but I have both Sunday and Thursday off for church. The shift they give me allows me to work a second job in the morning. Most importantly, I'm not broke! I was placing things into perspective!
I'm 24 years old and can only account for one major relationship. I'm a guy and we get lonely too. We long for company just as females do. I believe guys don't make as big of an issue as females do! I've silently wondered why I seem to have a difficult time finding a companion! I said companion because I really am looking for that 1 person that I can spend the rest of my life with. I got annoyed with the whole process of looking. I was angered after dismissing prospect after prospect. I had to then realize that i would rather dismiss than to settle. If I take my time and have more patience with selecting, I will have less problems in the long run! I need to wait.
After placing things into perspective, I must say that I don't have it bad. So many others have it worse than I do! I complain a lot; it's true! I want things when I want them; no denying that! I called a few people and I shared these thoughts with them and they advised me to just be patient. "Good things come to those that wait, just keep waiting!" "I've been there before, I thought it would never turn around but it did, just hold out!" "You're just goin through growing pains, It'll be alright!"
The purpose of this post is to pass along a lil bit of encouragement to those that need a friendly word. Sometimes things may be rough and may get hard, but place some things into perspective. Trouble doesn't last always. Keep moving on! Blessings are coming your way, just keep your faith and focus on God! We must be reminded that its not going to be peaches and cream all the time, there's gonna be some gruel sometimes! Victory has already been promised to us. Just as Christ has overcome the world, we who live in Christ have overcome it also! John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Come As You Are!
People use this statement to accomplish a few agendas. They will come into church dressed any ol' way and say the bible told me to come as I am. Not so boo boo, SORRY! Let me just say this. When you wanna go to the club you will make sure you got the fresh jeans, the cleanest shoes or sneakers, make up or whatever done up, hair done tight and you are looking sharp as a tack! Why is it when you enter the house of God, the same God that allowed you to shake whatever you shook, drank whatever you drank, and allowed you to see another day, you look like a hobo? God is not pleased! I'm sorry to tell y'all, but it's not right! The things we do for the world in our day to day life, we should be able to either do the same or better for God! That's the truth anyhow!
Lemme think, hmmm... how about the ones that think they can bring their habits into the church and continue the habits in the church. Whether it be a ungodly lifestyle, habit or addiction, yes you enter that way. You don't continue that way! You choose God so you can become a better person, a godly person! Which, in turn, will inherit you a seat in heaven! Don't come go to God, don't go to church doing the same things that you were doing before. There has to be a change. God is the one that changes you, allow the change to take place!
When you "come as you are", you are really going to God. You may be in a church, sanctuary, synagogue, temple or wherever you're at, but you're really meeting God. You may be burdened, broken, bound and bruised. You may be conflicted, confused, abused or weary. Whatever state you're in, the Bible says in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." You've got to make that choice to do better. You've got to make that choice to keep doing better. You've got to make Jesus your number one choice. Once you choose him he will begin to work on you if you allow him. If you really don't want to be changes, the change will not happen! Come to God with a willing heart and a do right mind and you will see your life begin to change for the better. This is what the real meaning of "come as you are" represents. We've got to do better.
Once you come as you are then you are not meant to stay as you were! It's all about stepping up our game and bettering ourselves so we can set the new example for the ones that will come after we do. If they see a non-progressive so-called saint that is stagnant, do you think they will want to step into the body of Christ? No, of course not, because you look like filth with a tie on sitting in the choir! The bottom line is to be the best for God that we can be. Making it to heaven and bring someone along with is!
When people come across you and you open up to them in efforts for help and they automatically condemn you to hell. My skin rose when I heard of an instance where this happened. People come to church for help, seeking solutions, and not to be sent to hell! Let me first say this, people do NOT have a heaven nor hell to place you in. Secondly, if this is happened to you, as a member of the body of Christ I apologize on their behalf. They handled you in the wrong way. We are to have love one towards another. We are to season our words with love, not to offend. Again, I apologize.
We gotta realize that we all have issues. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all have a struggle that we go through. Listen here, and Listen good! Sin is Sin. There is no sin that is greater than the other. What is sin? All unrighteousness is sin! Whether you cuss, steal, lie, cheat, fornicate, struggle with sexual urges all around. It is all the same, despite what people may!
I recommend that people go to God. God is no respecter of persons. God's love covered a multitude of sins. After all, God only wants us to choose him and be open and honest with him! This is why David was a man after God's own heart because he was honest with God. David was a liar, a fornicator, and a murderer! He slept with another man's wife, felt guilty and tried to cover things up because the wife got pregnant. Then he sent the husband into the front line of battle to ensure his death. That's downright grimey, for real for real! He knew he was out of line and went to God and poured his wrong doing out! God forgave him. It came at a price, but he was still forgiven!
Paul even confessed his dealings to the people. He put it right on out here that he had issues. we're not perfect and the more we realize that Jesus is the only perfect one and we all are still striving towards perfection, the sooner we realize that EVERYONE is indeed reaching towards that same goal!
Don't belittle others because of their struggles, because let it be known your struggles and you wouldn't feel so hot now would you? It doesn't feel good to have your sin thrown in your face so don't do it to others! Like I said earlier, its all about love! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! you can't get enough love! Keep showing it. Keep extending it. Love does last and we are to have love towards one another! Not out of obedience, but out of desire!
I urge upon you to bring your struggles to God. I urge you to be honest with God. He already knows your story, he just wants you to admit it to yourself so you can admit it to him so he can begin to work on you. Lay it all on God!
Mornin Manna Texts
Funny but Real!
Testimony Tuesday!
- With no experience, which I have much upon much experience, candidates start with 30,000.
- No Sundays or nights except for Christmas and Easter
- Full health benefits and something else that sounded good!
- 401k
- 20 paid vacation, personal days
- paid sick days
- opportunity for growth into other better paying positions
My expenses hit 1,200 a month. When I get hired I'll be able to save substantial money per month without it hurting me! Plus, I'll still have spending money! God is good... In a recession that the world is in, the body of Christ is yet being kept blessed!
I hope to hear some good Testimonies today! Be blessed! That link above to receive Manna Texts can be used to send me your testimonies. or leave them in the comment section!
Take a look at what KDC had to say:
Ay wsup follow bloggers, believers, and naysayers,
I pray that this will be a blessing to someone today and will encourage someone to dare to trust GOD. So I have an unusual blessing for my current employment. It’s flexible enough to allow me to go to school and still work full time. However, because I am an on call employee, there are times when my work schedule and school schedule conflict and that’s what essentially “ALMOST” happened. You see when you are blessed and highly favored no good thing will our Father with hold from you. So I stood on a promise he whispered to me many years ago when I first got saved. He said, “Son if you were to only dare to put your trust in me and my Kingdom I will prosper you spiritually, Academically, financially, on my job, and academically beyond your wildest imagination.” So I went to my supervisor and explained to him my situation that I needed to be off and I had 3 finals that I could not afford to miss! He took a look at me and then did a double take. He replies he needs to make a phone and would be right back. Upon his return he informs that I was not only off for the rest of Sunday, (yes he allowed me to go home early!), Monday, and Tuesday. But he was also going to pay me for the full day of SUNDAY!!! Now I don’t know about you but my GOD gave me a “Favor Shield.” Every time I come into contact with the world people go out of there way to bless me and prosper me. Rules, regulations, and laws are changed on behalf. And most importantly Battles I face I know are already won. I don’t have to fight them because my GOD fights them for me. If you for one moment don’t think our GOD is able to do the small trivial things then how do you have expectations for the great and big things? Today Zion I urge and also dare you to TRUST him, all it takes is faith of a mustard seed and if you can’t do that then watermelon seeds will do! Let Go and Let HIM SHOW AND SHOW OUT…
Testimony Tuesday!
Music Monday!
Testimony Tuesday!!!
March Manna Texts
- Mornin Manna! The Devil is out 2 convince you that you can't make it, but God will never place more on u than u can handle. Trust that God is able! Read Pro 3:5
- Mornin Manna! God doesn't promise a world free from danger, but he does promise to help is when danger arises. He's always there, never far away! Read Psalms 91
- Mornin Manna! Don't forget where your blessings came from. God has been way too good to us for us to just forget about him. Give God his praise! Read Psalms 136
- Mornin Manna! It's so easy to do wrong & sin, because that's our nature. Doing right is harder because of so many distractions. Keep holdin on! Read Mat 7:13,14
- Mornin Manna! There's no need 4 us to be down. With God's spirit comes joy & peace! Despite what comes your way, u still have the joy of the Lord! Read Gal 5:22
- Mornin Manna! You can't expect to grow if you're not in the know! You've got to study the word, get an education & seek God for an understanding! Read Hosea 4:6
- Mornin Manna! It's so easy to do wrong & sin, because that's our nature. Doing right is harder because of so many distractions. Keep holdin on! Read Mat 7:13,14
- Mornin Manna! It seems as though whenever you're doin good something comes along and trips you up. Don't faint, keep being strong in your faith! Read Ro 7:21-25
- Mornin Manna! There's more to God than just miracles and blessings. God wants us to be closer to him. God can be so much more for us if we let him! Read Isa 9:6
- Mornin Manna! If it wasn't for God, and all of his grace and mercy, where would we be? You are nothing and can do nothing without God! Read John 15:1-5
- Mornin Manna! Without a battle there's no victory. If there's no war there can be no triumph. U must go through to be able to come out shining! Read Rom 8:28-39
- Mornin Manna! We lie, cheat, steal & do wrong, EVERYDAY! Whether you decide to choose Jesus or not, He is still Lord & will have the final say! Read Phil 2:5-11
- Mornin Manna! Before we can honor God, we must have humility! Decreasing our pride and humbling ourselves positions us to give God great praises! Read Pro 15:33
- Mornin Manna! You can't expect to grow if you're not in the know! You've got to study the word, get an education & seek God for an understanding! Read Hosea 4:6
- Mornin Manna! In order to get from point A to B, u must go thru some things. Christ died for our benefit, what will u go thru to make it thru? Read Phil 1:27-30
- Mornin Manna! People will talk about u, persecute you and won't care! We must stay holy, knowing God has our backs and our reward is in heaven! Read Mat 5:11,12
- Mornin Manna! Do good things from the kindness of your heart and not for personal gain! Let God get the glory & you'll see your heavenly reward! Read Phil 2:3,4
- Mornin Manna! How much faith do u have in God? How confident are u that God can handle your situation? God can handle ANYTHING! Try him & see! Read Mark 5:25-34
- Mornin Manna! God has your back. So many things burden, bother & hinder us! Whatever your issue is, it's only temporary! This too shall pass! Read 1Cor 15:54-58
- Mornin Manna! The reward for sin is death. The reward for holy and righteous living is entrance into the kingdom of God, having eternal life! Read Romans 6:23
- Mornin Manna! Its not so much of what you say at times, but what you don't say! Choose words carefully and know when to hold your tongue! Read James 1:19
- Mornin Manna! Holiness is doing our BEST to live as Christ lived! This means being humble, prayerful, considerate, kind & havin a do-right mind! Read 1Peter Ch2
Fantasia Total Praise
First Things First
25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,
27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.