I was speaking to one of the church mothers one day and she was explaining to me that church isn't what it used to be when she got saved. Being an advocate of both the new and old school church, brought there by my age and experiences, I said I understand but it is a newer time. She quickly stopped me saying, "but son, we're having the issues we're having today because we're not doing things the way we used to." She went on to tell me how they don't teach the bible like they used to. Churches don't take the time to explain the scriptures in great detail to give the people understanding. Church has become convenient as opposed to a way of life. She finished in saying I feel bad for these people that are coming up now because they just might not make it in thinking they can get over on God!
I was struck and stabbed. Stricken even, with rigidy. I sat there while Motha, as our parishioners affectionately called her, spoke to me. I was getting where she was coming from. I thought about how we dance around so many issues because we don't want to step on anybody's feet. Even in my Mornin Manna texts, there are issues that I have preferred not to talk about. The fear of persecution stepped in. I thought of where the boldness of the church has gone. It definitely was very weak in today's state and definitely stronger in yesteryear.
The commercialism and accepted mockery of the church has even crept in. Now, I'm a fan of laughter, don't get me wrong. I do believe that some things should not be joked about. Yes, they do bring light to situations that need to be addressed, but they don't get addressed because people are too busy busting a gut to do anything about it. When you laugh at things, they become more acceptable because there is a smile associated with it. Do you see people laughing when someone gets killed? Raped? Assaulted? When someone comes up missing? People take that seriously and do something about it!
Then there are the tv shows that allow the "gospel artists" to perform saying whatever they will say, doing whatever they will do and giving false prophesies to whoever. This makes a mockery of the Christian faith! People view this and question how real it is. Scripture tells us to not let your good be evil spoken of. Being holy is both inward and outward actions. Its not just a belief, its a way of life! You can't be one thing and do another; it's not what God called us to be. Even on down to the televised services. You see different ones that throw their money at the pastor's feet while he's giving a word. Whether the offering is legit or not, it is viewed that they are rendering their money to the pastor and not to God. People have to be conscious of this. The preachers speak on prosperity instead of the whole bible. There's more to the bible than good health, blessings and miracles! Then the pastor's wonder why people keep falling short and victims to the world. You're not giving them the full Jesus! I'm about to feel my help coming! lol
There's a song that says "the bible is right, somebody's wrong". There is no other correct way but the bible way no matter what people say. The bible represents holiness. Holiness is right. The bible tells us what holiness is. The holy spirit lets us know when we step outside of holiness and helps us to come back and get it right. This may sound traditional, because it is! We gotta come back to the old time way. The word was true then, and it's true now. The church has got to stick to the bible, the whole bible and nothing but the bible so help us God! The word of God is going to be the only thing that will stand!
Being popular gets you followers. Being honest and true for God gets you black listed. The silver lining is that as long as the church can stick to the original standard of holy living and bible teachings, it has nothing to worry about. Those that chose not to follow what God has instructed will have to face the consequence. Let us all go back to the old time way...
Continue to be blessed...
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