I'm fed up. I'm really bothered by people that think they are better than you. I don't wanna blast preachers, but I wanna put people on blast! I wish that I can go to church and get preached to instead of being preached down on. I go to church to be encouraged. I go to church to be lifted. I go to church for healing. I go to church to be a blessing to someone else! I do not to go to church to leave feeling worse than I did before I got there! I did not come to church to be further burdened down. I was agitated when I came across a victim of this.
When people come across you and you open up to them in efforts for help and they automatically condemn you to hell. My skin rose when I heard of an instance where this happened. People come to church for help, seeking solutions, and not to be sent to hell! Let me first say this, people do NOT have a heaven nor hell to place you in. Secondly, if this is happened to you, as a member of the body of Christ I apologize on their behalf. They handled you in the wrong way. We are to have love one towards another. We are to season our words with love, not to offend. Again, I apologize.
We gotta realize that we all have issues. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all have a struggle that we go through. Listen here, and Listen good! Sin is Sin. There is no sin that is greater than the other. What is sin? All unrighteousness is sin! Whether you cuss, steal, lie, cheat, fornicate, struggle with sexual urges all around. It is all the same, despite what people may!
I recommend that people go to God. God is no respecter of persons. God's love covered a multitude of sins. After all, God only wants us to choose him and be open and honest with him! This is why David was a man after God's own heart because he was honest with God. David was a liar, a fornicator, and a murderer! He slept with another man's wife, felt guilty and tried to cover things up because the wife got pregnant. Then he sent the husband into the front line of battle to ensure his death. That's downright grimey, for real for real! He knew he was out of line and went to God and poured his wrong doing out! God forgave him. It came at a price, but he was still forgiven!
Paul even confessed his dealings to the people. He put it right on out here that he had issues. we're not perfect and the more we realize that Jesus is the only perfect one and we all are still striving towards perfection, the sooner we realize that EVERYONE is indeed reaching towards that same goal!
Don't belittle others because of their struggles, because let it be known your struggles and you wouldn't feel so hot now would you? It doesn't feel good to have your sin thrown in your face so don't do it to others! Like I said earlier, its all about love! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! you can't get enough love! Keep showing it. Keep extending it. Love does last and we are to have love towards one another! Not out of obedience, but out of desire!
I urge upon you to bring your struggles to God. I urge you to be honest with God. He already knows your story, he just wants you to admit it to yourself so you can admit it to him so he can begin to work on you. Lay it all on God!
When people come across you and you open up to them in efforts for help and they automatically condemn you to hell. My skin rose when I heard of an instance where this happened. People come to church for help, seeking solutions, and not to be sent to hell! Let me first say this, people do NOT have a heaven nor hell to place you in. Secondly, if this is happened to you, as a member of the body of Christ I apologize on their behalf. They handled you in the wrong way. We are to have love one towards another. We are to season our words with love, not to offend. Again, I apologize.
We gotta realize that we all have issues. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all have a struggle that we go through. Listen here, and Listen good! Sin is Sin. There is no sin that is greater than the other. What is sin? All unrighteousness is sin! Whether you cuss, steal, lie, cheat, fornicate, struggle with sexual urges all around. It is all the same, despite what people may!
I recommend that people go to God. God is no respecter of persons. God's love covered a multitude of sins. After all, God only wants us to choose him and be open and honest with him! This is why David was a man after God's own heart because he was honest with God. David was a liar, a fornicator, and a murderer! He slept with another man's wife, felt guilty and tried to cover things up because the wife got pregnant. Then he sent the husband into the front line of battle to ensure his death. That's downright grimey, for real for real! He knew he was out of line and went to God and poured his wrong doing out! God forgave him. It came at a price, but he was still forgiven!
Paul even confessed his dealings to the people. He put it right on out here that he had issues. we're not perfect and the more we realize that Jesus is the only perfect one and we all are still striving towards perfection, the sooner we realize that EVERYONE is indeed reaching towards that same goal!
Don't belittle others because of their struggles, because let it be known your struggles and you wouldn't feel so hot now would you? It doesn't feel good to have your sin thrown in your face so don't do it to others! Like I said earlier, its all about love! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! you can't get enough love! Keep showing it. Keep extending it. Love does last and we are to have love towards one another! Not out of obedience, but out of desire!
I urge upon you to bring your struggles to God. I urge you to be honest with God. He already knows your story, he just wants you to admit it to yourself so you can admit it to him so he can begin to work on you. Lay it all on God!
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