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On My Way...

A very close friend of mine shared this idea with me and it has stuck to me and remained in my spirit. It goes something like this, "I'm on the way to Heaven and I am enjoying the trip!" I took this phrase and I analyzed it a for a little while. I thought abd I said, when you're on the way to heaven, you get more problems and obstacles thrown at you. There seems to be more stumbling blocks ahead of you than it seemed to be when you were on your way to hell!

When God is not on your side, then the devil (Satan, Lucifer, or any other nickname you may have for him) doesn't have to mess with you. He has you. But when you cross over to God's side, and begin to live holy, The devil gets pissed. He's angry! He throws things at you to make you fall, discourage you, and speaks to you and influences you mess your own self up. He tries to sadden you and will do anything he can to bring down God's annointed!

You will experience hardship! You will experience heartache! You will be texted and tried! Despite all of that, remember you are on the way to heaven. You are more than a conqueror and you will get through it! Romans 8:35-37 Enjoy the fact that you are favored by God! Enjoy all of the blessings that God has given you and will give you! Enjoy that love that God has for you! Enjoy that change that has happened on the inside of you!

You are running down a road called life. Destination at the end of the road is called heaven. Lay aside the weights (life's situations, trials, problems and tests) and the sin (which is what will keep upi from seeing Heaven) and run with patience to the goal of eternal life! Hebrews 12:1,2 I am on the way to heaven! I may have some ups and some downs. I am focused an what God has promised me and I will appreciate all that God has, can and will do for me! I am on the way to heaven and I am going to enjoy my trip! How about you?

5 thoughts:

One Man’s Opinion said...

At work, me and this other Sgt. call this a satanic attack. We joke about it all the time. She is an evening Sgt and I am a Deep nights Sgt. There have been times, at least twice, where I have had her pray for me that I make it through the day. Not physically, but mentally. Police officers are some stupid muthers. I love them to death but the truth is the truth. lol

Darius T. Williams said...

Yup - you're right. We're all on our way. This is a reminder to be progressive and leave regression ta the front door.

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

This is so on time. My spirits have been lifted just reading this. Go on and testify man.

The Pew View said...

Hey baby. I needs your prayer so be sure to read the latest blog. Take care now.

Ruthie Ann

Acoustic Soul said...

I hope to one day make it to Heaven. I am on my way. I've experience a few stumbling blocks, and I would figure there are more on the way, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.