A power struggle would be two parties going back and forth in a tug of war. In an ordinary sense you would have person or team A, opposing person or team B, in an effort to win. The prize being anything on an endless list. There is never a tie in a tug of war. Even if you are equally matched with strength and power, ones perseverance and willpower will outlast the other. This defines the loser and the winner.
Let me open your eyes to something. Lets add a person or team C to the mix! There is so much tension going on in this tug of war. You now have the possibility for a unfair team going against one of the players or teams.
Lets give these teams some names. Team A will be God, Team B will be you and Team C will be the Devil.
Scenario 1: Say you decide to go it alone. Team B will do what Team B needs to do to make it! This is what will happen. You may be holding your own. You may not be losing, but you are far from winning. You are giving it your best effort. It's not enough. You may be trying to conquer a demon in your life, doing it alone may not be enough! You may need deliverance from a habit, but the harder you try by yourself the more tired you become. That healing that you are so badly wanting is not coming to pass because you simply do not have the power to do it alone! You may be missing out on a world and beyond of opportunities if you only reach out for help! Psalm 46:1
Scenario 2: You see how hard it can be so the devil is trying to convince you to join his team and they can beat God together! You need the help, so you join up with Team C. It may not be a out spoken choice or a declaration, but if you do not deny the devil it is like signing on that dotted line! Things may be better. Skies may even open up. The devil has you convinced that you've won and you did it without God! Guess what? A freak health accident or a wrongful turn of events occurs and your life has been taken. Where is your soul going? Who just won? You won't be spending eternity in paradise, you will be in the warm places of hell! It was all a deception. Ephesians 6:11 If you are not aware that the devil is out to get you, you will fall for every trick the Devil lays for you!
Scenario 3: Instead of leaning towards the ways of deception, you decided to hop onto Team A! You chose to lean to God's unchanging hand! We have to realize that God has all power! Matthew 28:18 He can do anything for us. We have to first choose to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you! Matthew 6:33 The answer was right in front of us the entire time. The only thing we have to do is reach out and embrace the power of God and all that He has for us!
God gave us a choice. He wants us to choose him but allows us to do otherwise. There will come a time when we all will need help, whether it be on a major scale or a minor one! We are in that power struggle. Won't you put your hand in the hand that is able to exceedingly do anything? He understands all of the problems that we go against. He knows everything about us. The sweet thing is that He has all power it will take for him to anything for us. All we have to do is follow him! Luke 9:23
1 thoughts:
and the church said AMEN!
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