Ahhhh it's time to make those New Year's Resolutions! Its an exciting time for people to make empty promises to God, themselves and their friends/family/acquaintances! If that wasn't real, I don't know what was!
Okay, so listen. I employ you that you should only make one New Year's Resolution. This maintains your focus on one thing and increases the success rate. I want everyone to accomplish whatever they set out to do, but I want you to realize that that you don't need to overwhelm yourself into a state where you wont get anything accomplished. Take it one step at a time.
A Resolution is a vow, regardless of who you're making it to. Be smart about what you say you're going to do. Don't make empty promises or ones that you are going to have trouble keeping. Its better to not vow than to vow and not keep! Be a man and a woman of your word! Ecclesiastes 5:4-6 Remember, with Christ, you can do all things by just believing. He will strengthen you. Yes, we all say things that we don't mean, but we can't take our words back, They are in history. the only thing we can do is pray for strength from god to help us keep what we said we would do.
Once you've accomplished your goal, go on ahead and feel free to further changing yourself for the better. You have the momentum and the thrill of what you just accomplished to jump start you into your next resolution. That's what it's all about. Daily changing in efforts to make ourselves better and more Christ-like!
I want to wish you all a happy New Year and happy Resolution Making! I'm keeping mine simple!
1 thoughts:
i couldn't agree with you more. i decided that i would keep mines at a minimum and make them related to something that im already work on.
happy 2009 to you as well. ;)
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