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Distractions and Overcomers

I just have to say that we can't get a word that's going to stroke our ego all of the time. We can't get a message of prosperity all of the time. We don't need a "everything is going to be alright" type of message all of the time. You've got to get hit with the truth every now and then. Let me tell you, the truth hurts! Some may not get that... when I say the truth hurts I mean that whatever truth was said it convicted something in you. Stirred something around inside you creating unrest making you aware there is something out of order! The truth is not about causing harm, rather to make us better people.

There are so many distractions set before us. So many little, average to large scale things than can occur that cause us to lose focus on living a life that's holy and acceptable unto God. Little things like arguments amongst one another that are never worked out. They fester feelings and further emotions and lead to further problems which distract us from our goal off meeting Jesus one day! Distractions like family issues that are present everyday. We wake to these people and sleep again with these people. Peace and unity has to be present. The family and household unit needs this to keep the home a place of love and joy which are apart of the fruit of the spirit.

distractions, distractions, distractions!!! All around us! Everywhere, at any time in any place. If we let our guard down, we are subject for an attack from the enemy that we weren't prepared for. when we're hit with a distraction, we need to recognize it for what it is. something to throw us off balance, something to make us fall. we have to press forward! we must go onward! even if we fall, even a righteous man falls seven times! we've got to roll up our sleeves and be ready to roll with the punches and dip in the curves of life. cause we are gonna fall, but as long we get up with the determination to press forward, while trying to do better and be better we elevate ourselves to the next level!

Don't be overtaken by distractions, be an over comer of distractions!

1 thoughts:

Sexxy Luv said...


a over comer is what i will continue to be, no punch is strong enough to keep me down.