Morning procedure usually involves waking washing and leaving for work. We'll head to work and come home from work, doing our errands in between. Eat dinner, watch some TV and then we're off to sleep. I would say this is a typical work person's day.
Something seems to be missing in that timeline of events. Where is God? Where is the prayer? Everyday we give two left feet about God and then we expect him to bend at our every whim and request. Then get mad when God doesn't move when we want him to move! Our priorities seem to be in disarray.
The actual house of God is replaced with Bedside Baptist, Pillow Presbyterian, and Couch C.O.G.I.C.! We use every excuse to put ourselves first and God second, and sometimes even third! That extra few minutes of sleep that will make us late for work can be used to glorify God in prayer!
The Bible tells us to seek God first and his kingdom. Then, after that, all the other things will be added. There is the timeline of how things ought to be. Put God first. Wake up and Pray. Tell God how great his is. Tell him thank you! It doesn't take much effort to open your mouth and utter something worthwhile to God's ears!
Lets place our priorities where they ought to be. All it takes is a little effort. Watch and see when you place God first how things begin to happen for you!
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
3 thoughts:
Great reminder - God really should be FIRST - in our Finance, Interests, Relationships, Schedule, and Time.
You are truly ministering.
This is a very powerful sentiment. I come from a very religious family. The last thing we did before going to bed was pray. The first thing we did when we woke up was pray.
In being totally honest, I have to say that I have fallen short of this instilling this into my own children. Sure, we pray before meals and what not, but we need to retrun back to our roots and pray when waking up.
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