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Believe Establish and Prosper!

It's been said that all things are possible to them that believe (Mark 9:23). It's also been said that all you need is the faith of a mustard seed and you can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Every thing seems to be revolving around you believing and having faith! This leads me to believe that if you don't have faith you can accomplish little or next to nothing, as compared to what you could be accomplishing! This is going to be one of those "go get your blessing" types of posts! I can feel it!

One thing you must do to attain the things you desire is ask for it (Matthew 21:22). There are a couple of catches to the thing. You have to must know what you are asking God for. You can't expect God to grant you something you don't need; something that will cause you to go against the will of God. You can't seriously expect God to grant you that desire. You must have wisdom in your request! That's like giving a child a gun because he asked for it. Not such a smart move! After using wisdom in your request, you must believe that God has sent it in the mail already. You gotta believe that it's already done. The receiving is in YOUR BELIEVING! You don't believe, your chance of receiving is very minimal.

2 Chronicles 20:20 says, "And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." You want that new house? That new car? Believe in the Lord your God! You want that new job? That promotion you've been waiting for? Believe in the Lord your God! You want that husband or wife you've been waiting for? Believe in the Lord your God! Does that spiritual break through that seems to be taking its time? Believe in the Lord your God! Prosperity is there for the taking! Your foundation is ready for you to establish yourself! ALL YOU'VE GOT TO DO IS BELIEVE IN THE LORD YOUR GOD!

Continue To Be Blessed

And That's The Reason

People often wonder why we go to church. They even go so far as to ask why we even bother to give praise and worship to God. It's been stated that God doesn't need our praise or our worship because he's God! When I heard this I was immediately stopped in my tracks and I had no choice but to think this over. I was shocked that I couldn't come up with an immediate reason and was even considering saying that person had a point. I took a lil longer and it smacked me in the face harder than a hood momma who's son just back talked to her, lol!

Why do we praise? Why do we worship? Think of, hmmmm, the BIG things. Let's try being alive first. That's always a biggie! Then we can go into some of the not so big things like being able to have use of most if not all of our body parts, limbs and organs. Then, our mind is hopefully in correct running order! The big things that happen the most often that we take for granted. The little things... think on the little things! How many times have you drove somewhere and arrived at your destination? You have been protected and delivered from every possible accident you could have been involved in. Some of us have been healed from various diseases that were said to be incurable. Some of us have sicknesses that could be far worse than it could be, but have shocked and appalled the doctors time and time again. There are endless possibilities of things that could or could not have come our way to cause us hurt harm and mishap. I lift my hands and say "but God..."

Why do we praise? Why do we worship? It is because of GRATITUDE! When someone does something for you, it's all too familiar to say thank you. When we praise and worship God we are showing gratitude for all he has done, is doing and will do for us. We can't physically give God anything. We can sacrifice in God's name but we can never physically give god anything. The fruit of your lip is the best thing you can offer God. The way you live, respectfully, humbly, meekly, and honest, is how you show God you're grateful.

There are so many Gospel artists that have written songs about having a reason. It all comes back to gratitude. Think on all the favor and blessings God has granted to you and then, grab an attitude of gratitude.

Continue To Be Blessed


Yea, I have been so lax with posting on Mornin Manna. I send you my deepest apologies. While I have been keeping the beat for sending out the text messages, I've even become lax in that. Distractions, along with routine, make things become ordinary and we lose enthusiasm in performance. I've acknowledged the fault. Now, my next step would be to fix the fault.

I do want to thank a recipient, he knows who he is, for emailing me a list of numbers for me to add to the Mornin Manna text message list. The list is ever growing and I have to give thanks to you for passing along the word. Now, If i can manage to send it more in the morning as opposed to the afternoon, lol!

Going with the title of the post, "Slacker", we must take advantage of our time and use it wisely and most efficiently. Someone once told me time is the most precious thing in this world. It can't be stretched. Once wasted it can't be regained.

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14

Continue to be Blessed