I'm up and I can't sleep. I felt compelled to write about slipping. You know, walking around and losing grip and swaying and moving about in a fashion that you might not have complete control of. What I thought was cool about slipping is when you slip, as long as you can find something sturdy enough, you can prevent yourself from falling! Wondering if anyone is catching on...
Donnie McClurkin sang about falling and getting up again. In order to get up you must have a firm or somewhat stable ground to rest upon and stand. If you get back up and you're on shaky ground, there is always a risk that you can fall in the same spot once again. The idea is to get back up and move on, walking on solid ground. Thinking if someone might be putting this together...
Is there anything, or hmmm anybody, that can be stable and sturdy and keep us from falling and yet be there every time to help us when we've fallen? Every time I turn around, Jesus is right there with his hand outstretched for times of need. Every time I lose my balance I can call on Jesus and that same hand is there to keep me from falling. The lovely part is what happens when we don't acknowledge him in all of our ways. We go down the shaky path of destruction and fall. We might be down in the dirt for a lil while. When we come to our senses, and realize that Jesus is the way the truth and the light, that same hand is still waiting for us to pick us up and place us on a solid ground to stand! Oh how wonderful is Jesus!
Scripture tells us that the most righteous man can fall and make mistakes. God is faithful and just to forgive us, as long as we acknowledge our error and place Jesus at the head of our lives! Don't forget to confess Jesus with your mouth, believe him in your heart. You CAN know Jesus for yourself!
Donnie McClurkin sang about falling and getting up again. In order to get up you must have a firm or somewhat stable ground to rest upon and stand. If you get back up and you're on shaky ground, there is always a risk that you can fall in the same spot once again. The idea is to get back up and move on, walking on solid ground. Thinking if someone might be putting this together...
Is there anything, or hmmm anybody, that can be stable and sturdy and keep us from falling and yet be there every time to help us when we've fallen? Every time I turn around, Jesus is right there with his hand outstretched for times of need. Every time I lose my balance I can call on Jesus and that same hand is there to keep me from falling. The lovely part is what happens when we don't acknowledge him in all of our ways. We go down the shaky path of destruction and fall. We might be down in the dirt for a lil while. When we come to our senses, and realize that Jesus is the way the truth and the light, that same hand is still waiting for us to pick us up and place us on a solid ground to stand! Oh how wonderful is Jesus!
Scripture tells us that the most righteous man can fall and make mistakes. God is faithful and just to forgive us, as long as we acknowledge our error and place Jesus at the head of our lives! Don't forget to confess Jesus with your mouth, believe him in your heart. You CAN know Jesus for yourself!
I hope I've helped someone...