When I was younger, talking about maybe 14 or 15 years old, my mom would always tell me that I couldn't go certain places. She wouldn't let me do certain things and advised me not to hang with certain people! I couldn't really understand at the moment, but as parents always say, "you'll understand better later down the line!" She would always end the interaction with the line, "Don't let your good be evil spoken of." Romans 14:16 I dismissed her and sometimes went ahead and did what I wanted anyway! I can say I do get what and why she did what she did.
Sometimes the people we surround ourselves with may not be on the same agenda as we are. It's said that birds of a feather flock together. If you hang wit gangs, or you're spotted with a gang member, people are going to think you're rollin wit them! If you don't smoke and you're outside with smokers people will think you smoke! You could have the most innocent of cases, and try to mean the most good, but if somebody sees you in a compromising situation, they will call you out. Especially if you're a pronounced Christian! It's happened to me on a few occasions! I've had to catch myself many times. It happens to the best of us! Pastors will give church members a ride home from service and someone sees them in the car and now people will think the worst!
You can't stop people from talking, because that is what people will do, TALK! They will gossip your name into the ground! What we have to do is stop giving out ammunition to people to use against us! We have to remember we are a part of this world but we aren't to be conformed to its standards and its way of thinking and functioning. Romans 12:2 We are different. People should be able to spot us because we're different. 1 Peter 2:9
As Christians people are going to be watching us. People are going to call us out on what we do, when we do it and how we do it! For some unknown reason, they know a Christian when they see one! They will call you out! They look to discredit us. If we're not leading by example, how can we expect a dying world to change and look to Jesus?
Just some food for thought, I hope it will sit well and nourish you!